Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A New Home

Recently, my husband and I purchased our first home. After years of living in small apartments, and being separated from many items due to lack of space we are beginning to unearth treasures that we have long since forgotten about. But that is not really what I am writing about today.

For a long time, a really long time, I have been tearing inspirational images out of anything that I could tear them out of. All for the one day when I would own my own home and I could reference these images to create my dream. So now I have all these images, semi organized, depending on when they were collected, and I have started a laundry list of "things I need for my new home". {need being the important word here, I do not really need any of them at this point, need is a word that I freely interchange with want, this is important to know about me} So on my list I have many things from paint colors, and stair runners, to fancy kitchen ranges, and walk in showers.

However there is one very small item, one that I have been excited to purchase from the time that my husband and I became engaged and were becoming a family. It is really very simple, but seems to mean a lot to me for no apparent reason. At the top of my list right now is an address stamp. So I have been on the hunt. I think that I have found some really good choices on etsy and I can't wait to make a decision and order one.

Here is what I have so far...

{from sweetpaperie}

{from rubberstampress}

I still have to weigh in with my significant other on his preference. I think that I am going to continue to look around, just to keep my options open, but hope to make a decision soon.

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. I always thought some of the styles on this site were really cute: (just the ones at the top of the page-- not that deer or snowflake ones!)


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